Begpackers: Yea! or Nay!

Begpackers: Yea or Nay 

The world has opened up in the last 20 or so years and young adults from all over the world are travelling at rates never experienced before in history. This leads to many instances of people who can't afford to travel to become begpackers. The world begpacker is really just another word for freeloader or drifter. Usually begpackers come from well off countries and travel to other countries on the funds of others. This causes a lot of controversy and rifts between people. 

Mostly because there is an entitlement conflict that arises. Young people these days feel like the world owes them something according to many older folks and people who have steady careers that are well established. These people usually are the same people who frown upon hiring a person who lived abroad because they deem them as a lesser human. The other side of the coin is that the begpackers in some cases sell items and knickknacks to fund their trips or part of them. Most begpackers have entrepreneurial dreams and try to make a living while travelling and exploring. 

A middle ground has to be met as it seems that begpacking isn't going anywhere but continuing to expand in most cases. The stereotype of the smelly begpacker that sits outside of bars in south east asia and drinks his money away until he needs more and decided to jump ship to another neighboring country is wrong in most cases. Sure there are some begpackers that have addictions and believe that they are owned everything from others. But in contrast there are begpackers that actually just want to travel and explore the world before settling down and starting a career or a family.

My Experience with Begpackers

I lived just north of Seoul, South Korea for almost four years and seen quite a few begpackers.

The most common begpackers I seen were young men and women couples in their early 20's that wanted to travel the world and be funded by others. These begpackers commonly sold pictures from their travels and never really harassed or bothered the locals other than setting up a sign that explained their situation and their plans. I have no problem with these begpackers because they have dreams and goals and just want to travel. The couple begpackers were usually clean and well kept.

The next most common begpackers I came across were single males. These men ranged in age but most were in their 20's-30's. These begpackers would hang out in really populated tourist locations and have signs that told about their stories and how they got to where they were. Some of these were sob stories that could be true or false but I never verified or falsified any begpacker story. The problem with this group of begpackers is that you could find them at bar and clubs spending the money they got on drinks. This group of begpackers is usually the most hated group as they are usually all labelled as losers in their home countries that party all day and escape the realities of life.

The least common group of begpackers I seen was single females. Actually in all my time in Korea I maybe came across a handful of single female begpackers. They were all in their late 20's-30's. They all were selling knickknacks and crafts as well. I never seem any of them partying or spending their money at bars or clubs. I don't have enough experience with this group to identify stereotypes.

Overall Thoughts on Begpackers

My honest opinion on begpackers is that they are just a new generation of travelers and explorers. Previous generations would have expeditions to other countries funded by the kings and royalty of that country and many young adults jumped at the chance to take part. Begpacking is the same young adults are trying to gain funds through begging or selling things to complete their own expeditions. 

In the past there were expeditions that had good intentions and bad intentions. Begpackers are the same some want to better themselves and the world while others want to destroy it. If they ask for money kindly and receive it from people who can afford to donate it them so be it. Don't let a few bad apples destroy the image of the whole apple tree. 


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