Korean Lesson " The Six Basic Vowels"

I lived in South Korea for almost four years and learned to read korean.

 Hanguel is the alphabet that is used in modern day Korea. I will introduce you to hanguel and hopefully help you learn to read hanguel.

My first lesson is on the six basic korean vowels:


1. ㅏ is A. Similar to the A in Achu.

2. ㅓ is like Ah. Similar to a long Aaaah.

3. ㅜ  is U. Similar to the word you.

4. ㅗ  is O. Similar to the word Oh.

5. ㅣ is ee. Similar to the word Lee

6. ㅡ is euh. Similar to the word Ew.

The Quiet "Y"

The hanguel letter "ㅇ" is similar to Y in pronunciation. However in front of the six basic vowels it is quiet.

So the words 아,어,우,오,이 and 으 still just sound like the original base vowel.

Fun Facts:

이 is a common korean last name but it also means teeth and two.

The six basic vowels combined together can form numerous words like:

오이 (ohee) which means cucumber and 아이 (aahee) which means child.

Thats all for today. Next time I'll introduce some basic consonants and form some new vowel.

Practice hard and see you next time!!


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