Tim Hortons Limited-edition NHL Superstar Collectible Sticks
Tim Hortons Limited-edition NHL Superstar Collectible Sticks
The NHL playoffs are in full swing and Tim Hortons brought out another thing to tug at Canadian hearts. If you grew up in rural Canada most likely you grew up watching or playing hockey during the cold winter months which was topped off with the Stanley cup finals. This year was different and the Stanley cup finals were postponed. As well Tim Hortons roll up the rim contest was toned down and I never even got a roll up the rim up if the even existed this year.
However Tim Hortons has now brought out these cool superstar collectable or collectible which ever way you say it sticks. There are six sticks to collect. I bought two Crosby and Ovechkin. The are neat little trinkets to put on your table or in your man cave. Tim Hortons also is releasing some gold sticks that will get you som serious hockey loot.
The Ovechkin locker looks with the bright red of the Washington Capitals. The writing on my stick was a little washed out but from a distance it looks nice.
The Crosby locker looks washed out and his stick looks plain. I was surprise to find out that the front sticker on this locker was coming off already.
The concept is cool for these sticks but the execution could of been done better. The sticker coming off of my Crosby locker already is troublesome. I know the sticks costed only around 6 dollars but the quality should be a little higher than it is. The Ovechkin stick was washed out but I'm not sure if that is how it is supposed to look.
The sticks themselves are plastic and not toys. They are interesting to look at and molded in both left and right handed versions depending on the players.
Anyways if you are a hockey fan and like small collectible items give them a chance or if you need a hockey stick for your action figure that is branded this is a great way to obtain one.
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