The death of the real retro gamer


This is my opinion as a gamer since I was five years old. I started off with the OG Gameboy and the Nintendo 64 but was thrown back to the NES when I was given my cousins old system when he upgraded his system. So my first retro system was the NES which is a good retro system to start off with.

I remembers spending hours and hours playing Mario 1,2 and 3. Not knowing about the cheap codes or any tricks or secrets as the internet I had was basic dial up which took minutes to load a simple page. I did not have any Nintendo power magazines on the games so everything was fresh and new to me.

The way the games felt was unique to the Nintendo 64 which was newer and more powerful. I still played the Nintendo 64 more often but the big draw back was the price of the games. I could buy one N64 game for around $80 dollars Canadian or dozens of NES games for the same price.

This was actually the advantage of retro gaming. The game system and games were a fraction of the price of the new consoles.

Fast forward to the present and new nostalgia craze across the world. The price of retro games now rivals new games and even more then new games from the current consoles. Trying to buy a Gameboy or DS now is almost more than a Nintendo switch lite. Sure some deals can be found at garage sales but with a simple internet search the seller sees the items being sold for hundreds of dollars and prices their stuff at these prices and won’t budge as the internet says that is the going price.

This is the death of the real retro gamers. People who love games and want to get games to play can’t afford or play games anymore because some one wants to buy a game that they never played just because it’s the popular thing to do. I remember growing up and being ridiculed by non gamers who now pretend to be gamers. Growing up gaming was a niche and people in the community loved trading games and playing new games. Now the community is money based and trading and lending is almost gone.

The world of retro gaming has been shook and the real gamers are being pushed out. The point of retro gaming is almost lost now except on emulators or on poor bootlegs.

With this I put the final nails in the coffin but as a true retro gamer I know Simon is out there and you can’t keep a true retro gamer down and Dracula will be back!!



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