Chapter 2: The Theory

    I woke up the next morning at eight o'clock I was refreshed and ready to continue with my task. The previous night was a success as I found a new client. Klara would not be in the Middle Sing Inn and would probably never be seen again. Quinn would be at his fortress figuring out his next move as he would probably expect me to make my move quick. Generally my clients try to outsmart me in some aspect to get a weakness of mine and exploit it. As Quinn is my forty ninth client I've seen just about everything that can be thrown at me. The most common way to get outsmarted is looking into the eyes of your client(s). They gave into your eyes and try to take control of your body and mind. Another thing that may happen is you get scared and lose all common sense and forget the process. If your fortress is properly set up, the clients will not be able to enter it and will try to force you to leave. They have a code and will not break the code for any reason as it will be the end of them even if they take care of their victim. Quinn could not enter my Inn room as I had properly fortified it. He was trying to get me to leave the room by meeting him out side and by scaring/hypnotizing me to leave my room. To his efforts nothing phased me. 

    Now Klara is another matter. Klara was not so lucky as I. She was a victim of my client most likely an unwilling victim. Quinn had placed her under his wing and had made her nothing more than a servant to his cause. The servant is one hundred percent loyal to the clients. They will never question them and will obey them as long as they live. The client may even bait them by saying one day they will feel the power which was bestowed upon them. This is generally a lie used by clients to capture servants easier. Servants are found by the client hypnotizing them generally. However, certain cases the servant is not hypnotized and just wants to feel the clients power and become a client. These servants are the ones that will always go out and beyond to serve their masters. Klara was hypnotized as I've learned from experience that non-hypnotized servants will be kept to themselves and will not talk to anyone strange or unfamiliar to them. That is why the unhypnotized servants will generally be called familiars. Since they only talk with familiar and trusted people. Klara most likely was sacrificed when Quinn could not trick me to coming out of my room. Klara put him and the other clients with him in grave danger. Quinn does not know if I am working alone or in a team. Klara's body will probably never be found as it will likely be placed in a crypt with numerous others. The crypt(s) are hidden well and hold the client's victims.

    The room is another tell tale sign that client(s) were using it as a place to get victims. The room was small and compact with one window close to the bed. Generally the closer to the window the better. Clients when met with people who do not want to meet them and do not invite them into their room will try to hypnotize their victim to open a window and let them in. This can be avoided by blessing the window, once blessed no evil can pass the window and you will have to exit the window to be harmed. This goes for the door as well. A general blessing of the whole room will make the clients unable to enter while following their code. Clients want to be quick and do not want to make a scene. If they make a scene they will have to relocate most likely to avoid being found. This is why there was not telephone in the room having access to a telephone would allow for myself to call for help. Generally no one would believe you or by the time the help arrived the client would be gone and waiting for you to slip and get ahold of you. Be wary of Inns and Hotels without religious items as well. Most small town rooms will have a bible or a book of faith in the desk. Places without these books are not always places where clients come. But clients will only come into a place devoid of any religious items. A simple necklace or pendant can save your life. Clients will not touch you if you have a piece of faith on yourself. This is where familiars will try to take the piece from you and allow the client to get to you. Hypnotized servants can try to obtain the items but may become unhypnotized when coming into contact with the items.

    Back to the story. I got up and took my toothbrush and tooth paste from my suit case and brushed my teeth. I was not worried about being poisoned from the fish and chips as my clients would not poison their victims as it taints the blood. After brushing my teeth I packed up my items and put my crucifix necklace back in the bag. It does keep me safe but it also alerts servants (who I'll group now as hypnotized servants) and familiars (who I'll group as unhypnotized servants). This alert could release servants from the hypnotization which would lead them to wondering where they were and would leave as they were there against their will. The alert to familiars would lead to the clients being better prepared to handle people like myself as they would tell the client. Familiars might also try to take the item by any means necessary. I closed my suit case held it in my hand and walked out the door. I went down to the lobby knowing it would be empty. The bar and lobby looked the same as it did prior to myself going to my room for the night. Their would be no sign of any distress to alert anyone of wrong doing and possibly causing for an investigation. I exited the Middle Sing Inn and walked to my vehicle.

    My vehicle was properly blessed and no client would touch it. The only thing I would have to worry about is if a familiar had had their way with it. My old vehicle did not look touched and there was no signs of anything coming within ten feet of it. It looked like how I had left it the night before when I took my suitcase out. I opened my door and placed my suitcase on the seat and closed the door. I then went to the driver's side of the vehicle and entered it. There were no weird smells or anything that looked out of the ordinary. I put my key into the ignition and started the vehicle. The engine sound normal. In neutral I pushed the brakes to stop it from rolling and in reverse I pushed the throttle lightly. I then braked again. Nothing was showing any signs of damage mechanically. I learned to test my vehicle as there was a few times a sneaky familiar tried to sabotage my vehicle. I put the vehicle in drive and drove to the main street out of the parking lot. In my rear view mirror I seen the Middle Sing Inn and smiled. Thinking to myself I had all day before Quinn would be in any state to challenge me at the slightest. I turned on my favorite playlist and drove down the street.

(To be continued, work in progress)    


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