The House ( Not every town has one but most do) Chapter 1: Middle Sing Inn

Chapter 1: Middle Sing Inn

    To be honest this happened a long time ago and my mind may change some facts or information in the stories I tell. The stories are true to I the author. The clients and other characters are all true to my mind as if they exist still which they may. A little back story is needed not all my clients live in houses like the one where tis story takes place. Most like to live in lavish apartments and town houses that are spread out on acres of forests. However, the clients that live in the house like the one in my telling are great clients that have been around for awhile and need a visit. Here we go, hope you enjoy:

     The late spring air was humid and breezy. The fields had been planted and small crops were poking out of the ground. Driving down the gravel road I passed the sign to middle sing which was a small town tucked off the main highway about thirty kilometers. It was a town of no more than three hundred souls and about the same in livestock. There was a little inn attached to a bar that I had booked a room in for the night. I kept driving towards middle sing as the light from the sun began to fall behind the horizon. I made it to middle sing and drove down main street to the little inn that was called you guessed it middle sing inn. The majority of small town inns are named after the town with an "inn" attached to the end. I pulled up to the parking lot and walked towards the lobby. The town was lit by mid century night posts that had a yellow illumination to them. I opened the door to the inn and was hit with the smell of fried food and beer. I talked with the lady at the front desk who stated visitors got a discount at the restaurant and that I should try their famous fish and chips. I was nowhere near the ocean or a big lake at this point so I thought to myself it would just be frozen fish and fries cooked in oil and served. I said thanks and went to my room.

    The room was small and had a bed to the far wall. There was a bathroom that seen better days and a desk that had a chair that looked like someone had ripped it with a knife. On the wall opposite to the bed was a television that was a crt television that definitely needed to be replaced. I went to the desk and checked the drawers there was nothing in the drawers except for a menu to the restaurant. I found it strange that the room also did not have a telephone in it. I was hungry and it was getting late so I decided to take up the front desk lady on her offer. I went down to the bar and ordered the famous fish and chips. The lady asked if I would like a beer I declined as I had given up on alcohol years before (another story may be needed for this revelation). I asked for a soda instead. The fish and chips arrived, they looked better than expected. I ate them and they were actually pretty good. The lady stated that the fish is caught fresh from the coast and brought to middle sing weekly by a former resident who visits his family. I smiled and told her that was nice of him to do that. She smiled back and said when you are finished you can hang around the bar until ten thirty if I like as that is when it closes. I thanked her and ate the rest of my meal and drank my soda. After my meal I ordered another soda and watched some local television for about an hour on sole television in the bar. I then went to my vehicle and took my suit case from the back seat and locked the vehicle.

    Entering the room felt like entering my small fortress. I took my suitcase and placed it on the desk. I opened it up and took out my handy travelling bible and placed it on the desk's surface. I took out a small crucifix necklace and placed it around my neck. Then I took out another crucifix and a candle. I lit the candle with a lighter. I then went to the window and stated no evil shall enter this window invited or uninvited. I went to the rooms door and did the same. I checked the room and other than the window and door there was not other way into the room. I sat down on the bed. I thought to myself that it was just another day and another client. I had done this multiple times and I knew that nothing could come of it if I played by the rules. I made sure that the windows curtains were wide open so I would see anything outside of them. I laid back on the bed and just drifted off to sleep.

    I was awakened by laughter and song. I looked at my watch which stated it was ten o'clock. I was then met with a knock on my door. Hey mister it me Klara the front desk lady I do not think I gave you my name earlier. The fisherman who catches the fish came in for a drink. He was so happy to hear that someone liked his fish that he wanted to meet you. The place closes at ten thirty like I said. You can come to the bar with me and if you want you can check out later in the day if we stay up later. I knew this was all part of the plan and was ready for it. I told Klara that I was tired and would just like to go to bed. I told her I was okay with the noise as I would just wear ear muffs if the fisherman wanted to stay past closing. Klara again tried to get me to come to the bar but I declined with respect. Klara stated she understood and that she would get Quinn to come. I assumed Quinn was the fisherman. Within a few minutes there was a knock again. This time it was Quinn saying how he was happy that I liked his fish and he just wanted to shake my hand. I told him I was tired and messy looking. Quinn stated it was okay and he just likes to meet people. I again stated I was sorry. Quinn at this point said ok then just wanted to meet a fan. It sounded like he stormed away.

    I knew what would be next and was ready for it. The lights were off in my room and I was staring out the window. I did not hear any foot steps as one would expect from what would be coming next. I watched the window when Quinn appeared. He stared at me straight in the eyes. Most people would get an uneasy feeling. His eyes were like cat eyes and had a gaze looking into my soul. He could feel my gaze as well. Both of us showed no remorse or budging. His face angrily looking at me. Quinn had no idea who he was up against. He did not talk or move for multiple minutes, he was trying to convince me to open the door and run out of my fortress room where I would not be safe. The gig was up for Quinn and he was aware of it. I wondered how many people had fallen for his plan. The amount of times he had got people to leave there room or invite him into it. I was unfazed, he could not enter the room and he knew it. I got up smiled and closed the curtains. Tomorrow I would have to complete the task with Quinn who was my forty ninth client. Quinn growled and hollered for a few hours or so I do not know as I put on earmuffs and went to bed.

(To be continued, work in progress)



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